Java Web Developer



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The objective of the programme is to provide students with knowledge about programming web applications in Java technology. The knowledge and skills acquired during the studies will enable the graduates to independently create and run applications that meet the relevant usability criteria set by software production companies.

What makes us different

  • Classes are taught by practitioners with teaching experience
  • practical nature of the studies
  • learning the latest and currently used technologies
  • modern computer labs
  • these studies are a good jumping-off point to start a career as a Java Developer


Java Web Developer has been one of the most sought-after specialisations on the job market in recent years, and the demand for programmers of this language and the technologies based on it still remains high. The curriculum includes not only the Java language, but also the most popular and commonly used web technologies. The study programme focuses on practical activities and includes 200 hours of computer lab classes. The classes are taught by practitioners with years of experience using their own resources. The students receive a diploma of completion of postgraduate studies (a copy in Polish and in English).


Bachelor’s, engineer’s or master’s degree. Our candidates are only required to have basic computer skills, as we teach programming from scratch.


  • MA Eng. Marcin Mikłas – a programmer with many years of experience in Java technology, lecturer at WSZiB.
  • BA Mateusz Wręczycki – Senior Java Developer, worked on projects for clients such as Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover, Ford. Experienced in mobile, desktop and web projects along with maintaining a global platform for thousands of daily users.
  • Eng. Sebastian Słomian – web application developer in technologies such as Java, Angular, JavaScript. His teaching style focuses on learning as much as possible by practice. He loves learning about and implementing new technologies.


  • Java programming | 60 hours
    Introduction to object-oriented programming. Java language syntax and rules. Operators and control of program execution. Object-oriented programming. Object collections. Error handling. Output/ input operations. Concurrent programming. Elements of functional programming and metaprogramming.
  • Database Maintenance | 20 hours
    Introduction to database systems. Foundations of SQL language. Accessing databases from the Java environment. JDBC architecture. Transactions and withdrawal of changes. Java Persistence API as an object-relational mapping (ORM) standard based on the example of Hibernate.
  • Programming with Spring Framework| 60 hours
    Spring Framework Core: programming with components, Inversion of Control, component scope, initialisation of the initial state of the object. Dependency Injection: concept of dependency injection, object composition, autowiring, object life cycle, container events. Spring Data: database configuration, DAO pattern and its use in layered architecture, useful ways to use data sources in Spring. Foundations of Spring MVC: configuring a Spring container in a web application, Spring MVC tags, form handling, exception handling.
  • Designing web applications| 40 hours
    HTML/XHTMLlanguage. Cascading CSS Style Sheets. Introduction to JavaScript. The most important JavaScript objects. Techniques for creating advanced Web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript simultaneously. Single Page Web Applications using Angular2/4 framework: introduction to TypeScript language, basic elements and structure of Angular project, components and data binding, directives, services and dependency injection, redirection mechanism, forms and validation, HTTP requests, user authentication.
  • Project management | 10 hours
    Agile Principles. Agile project management based on SCRUM. Version control system using Git and GitHub as examples. IntelliJ IDEA as a development environment. Apache Tomcat application server. Application building tools.
  • Final project| 10 hours
    Independent work on a project involving writing, running and documenting a programme using previously-learned technologies.


PLN 6500 or 4 equal, interest-free instalments (including PLN 100 reservation fee)

Bank account number: 61 1440 1127 0000 0000 0193 3148
On-campus sessions: Saturday – Sunday
The programme lasts two semesters


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