

Working hours: February

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday – closed

Tuesdays 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Thursdays 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Saturdays 8:00 AM-4:00 PM


There is a possibility to use it at other times, but it requires a telephone arrangement (12.6356880).


The electronic catalogue can be found in the SUSZI system under the Library tab.

Dear reader! By beginning to use the Library, you agree to abide by the hereby Rules and Regulations.

Rules and Regulations of the Library of the WSZiB in Cracow


§ 1.

The WSZiB Library is an academic library established by the Rector of the School and providing library and information services.

§ 2.

The library and information collections of the WSZiB Library are collected, developed, and made available to meet the needs of the library users. The main goal of the Library is to bring together physical and electronic materials from all fields of knowledge represented at the School.

§ 3.

The readers are obliged to get acquainted with the WSZiB LIBRARY RULES AND REGULATIONS and to apply their provisions.

§ 4.

Beginning to use the Library is tantamount to accepting the hereby Rules and Regulations.


§ 5.

The right to use the collection is granted to:

  • WSZiB Students, students of selected courses and post-graduate studies at WSZiB
  • WSZiB academic staff,
  • WSZiB administration staff
  • Other people may use it as a reading room.


§ 6.

The use of the collection is based on an integrated electronic system that houses the catalogue.

The use of the Library’s collection is free of charge.

§ 7.

Documents required to use the collection:

Students: electronic student ID card

Other people: ID card or an employee ID card


§ 8.

The users of the WSZiB Library collection are responsible for the condition of borrowed items.

§ 9.

A reader wishing to borrow a book should book it in advance in the SUSZI electronic library catalogue.

§ 10.

The library makes its resources available:

1.Lending them (with advance booking),

2.To be used in the reading room (after providing the catalogue data of the reading room copy).

§ 11.

The authorised number of borrowed library units for different groups of Readers is the following:

  • 1.Students and participants of selected postgraduate studies 5 units
  • 2.Academic and teaching staff 10 units,
  • 3.Administration staff 3 units

§ 12.

Lending Period:

  • 1.Students, participants of postgraduate studies 14 days,
  • 2.Academic and teaching staff 30 days,
  • 3.School administration staff 14 days

§ 13.

Extensions-regulatory extensions of the lending period can be made on your own library account. This is possible (if no one else has booked the item in the meantime) during the last three days before the return date.

§ 14.

An extension is valid for another 14 days from the time of its execution.


§ 15.

The Reading Room provides access to the book collection and other library materials marked in the library catalogue as reading room materials.

§ 16.

Librarians, after the reader has provided them with the author and the title of the publication, give it to the Reader and charge it on their library account.

§ 17.

Collections gathered in the Reading Room are available only on the spot.

Taking magazines and books out of the Reading Room area is prohibited.

§ 18.

No cell phones or eating is allowed in the Reading Room.

§ 19.

In the Reading Room you can use your own computers and electronic devices as long as it does not interfere with other people’s work.

§ 20.

Reading materials may be copied only in the Reading Room on the device that is provided for this purpose. Taking photographs with your own digital camera is acceptable.


§ 21.

For exceeding the deadline for returning books, the Reader is obliged to pay a stipulated penalty of PLN 0.5 for each day of the delay per unit.

§ 22.

In case of damage or loss of a book, the Reader is obliged to:

  • 1. Return to the Library a copy that is identical to the lost or damaged one, pay a stipulated penalty of 15 PLN and any possible penalty for late return calculated up to the date of the new item’s return.
  • 2. In the event that an identical copy cannot be returned, a payment of five times the antiquarian value of the item must be made after the prior arrangement with the Library Manager.

§ 23.

In the situation when after 6 months from the return date a reader does not return borrowed items to the Library, they are charged with a contractual penalty equal to the book value of the unreturned item plus PLN 100. The above-mentioned penalty is charged to the individual financial account in the School’s billing system. If a reader returns an overdue item there is a possibility of reducing the contractual penalty.



§ 24.

The Library’s working hours are available in the School’s information systems.

§ 25.

If you want to share your feedback regarding the operation of the Library, please contact the Library Manager in writing.

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Biblioteka – kontakt

Studenci WSZiB proszeni są o komunikowanie się z Biblioteką poprzez SUSZI.

Dane teleadresowe

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości
Al. Kijowska 14
30-079 Kraków

Kierownik: mgr Mariusz Kwiatkowski

tel. 012 6356880

Biblioteka – przydatne
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