prof. Peter Brezany w WSZiB

24 lut '06

W dniach 27.02 – 02.03.2006 Prof. Peter Brezany wygłosiłcykl wykładów pt „Data Analysis for Decision and Management Processes”.Program wykładu:Prof. Dr. Peter Brezany,Institute for Software Science, Vienna UniversityData Analysis for Decision and Management Processes—————————————————–Poniedzialek 27 lutego br. godz. 17.15 (4 x 45 min), s. 1AK4 (COS)—————————————information and knowledge management, bussines intelligence,introduction to data mining and data warehousing,mining association rulesWtorek 28 lutego br. godz. 10.00 (4 x 45 min), s. 1 AK4 —————————————mining sequential patternsclassification and prediction, decision trees,meta-learningŚroda 01 marca br. godz. 15.30 (4 x 45 min), s. 1 AK4—————————————neural networks, automatic cluster detectiondata Webhousing, multi-agent systemsCzwartek 02 marca br. godz. 16.00 (3 x 45 min), s. 1 AK4—————————————Web mining, intelligent Web search engines, semanticWeb, information and knowledge management on computinggrids

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